Hello, World!

less than 1 minute read

Hello, World!

As a programming language enthusiast, I couldn’t resist starting this blog with a classic “Hello, World!” post. So here it is, in all its glory in ClojureScript:

(println "Hello, World!")

Of course, there are countless other ways to write this program in different programming languages, and I encourage you to experiment and explore the nuances and subtleties of each language’s syntax and semantics.

As for me, I am currently pursuing my Master’s degree in Computer Science with a focus on theoretical computer science and programming language theory. I am passionate about exploring the fundamental principles and ideas behind programming languages, and I believe that a deep understanding of these concepts is essential for creating elegant and powerful software systems.

In this blog, I plan to share my thoughts and insights on various topics related to programming languages, including language design, implementation, and use cases. I also hope to showcase some of my own projects and contributions to the programming language community.

So stay tuned, and thanks for joining me on this journey of discovery and exploration in the world of programming languages!

